Language Treasury: What Is a Translation Memory?

29 October 2023

Language translation has always been a vital tool in bridging the gap between different cultures and ensuring clear communication. But as we continue to globalise and digitalise, the need for consistent and efficient translations has grown exponentially. This is where a translation memory (TM) comes into play. Let's delve into what a TM is, how it's created, and the many benefits it brings.

What is a Translation Memory?

Translation Memory, often abbreviated as TM, is a linguistic database that saves translated segments (phrases, sentences, or even paragraphs) so they can be reused in future translation tasks. The main concept is simple: if a segment has been translated before, why do it again? 


Whenever a translator encounters a segment that resembles or matches a segment stored in the translation memory, the previously translated version is suggested, allowing the translator to reuse it or modify it as needed. 


The Process of Creating a Translation Memory

Building a translation memory requires a systematic approach, usually facilitated by Translation Memory Management Systems (TMMs). Here's a simplified overview of how it's done:

1. Segmenting the Source Text

Firstly, the source text (the original content needing translation) is broken down into manageable segments. These can range from sentences to whole paragraphs.

2. Translating the Segments

Once segmented, each part is translated into the target language. The expertise of professional translators is crucial here, ensuring that the translation not only conveys the exact meaning but also resonates culturally.

3. Storing in the TM Database

After translation, each source segment and its corresponding translation are stored as a pair in the translation memory. Over time, as more translations are completed, the TM grows.

4. Retrieving and Reusing

When a new project with similar content comes up, the TM system scans the new source text for matches or similarities. When a match is found, the system suggests the existing translation. The translator can then choose to use, modify, or reject the suggestion.


Translation Memory vs. Machine Translation

While both translation memory and machine translation (MT) involve the use of technology to assist with translation tasks, they function on fundamentally different principles and serve distinct purposes.

A translation memory relies on human-translated segments stored in a database. It’s not meant to generate a translation for the entire text at once; that’s the role of machine translation. MT uses complex algorithms to automatically translate texts without human intervention.

Since the human touch plays a bigger part in a translation memory, the output often retains the nuance and context of the original. Machine translation, on the other hand, can sometimes misinterpret idioms, context, or culture-specific references. 


Still, that doesn’t mean we overlook the significance of machine translation when it comes to speed and efficiency. A human translator can leverage the quick results of machine translation and post-edit them instead of translating from scratch.


The Benefits of Translation Memory Technology

The invention of translation memory has been nothing short of revolutionary in the world of translation. Here's why:


Imagine browsing a website and finding the same product referred to using different terminology. Maybe you're wrong; they're actually two different products. But they have the same features. 


What you're facing here is a common translation challenge: consistency. Perhaps multiple translators worked on the project, and the lack of communication caused the discrepancy in the product's name.  

Using a translation memory ensures that terminology remains consistent across all languages, leading to a unified brand voice and clear communication.


Translation projects are often time-sensitive. Using a translation memory, translators no longer have to translate the same segments repeatedly. This drastically reduces the time required, especially for projects with repetitive content like user manuals or software interfaces.

Cost Efficiency

Faster translation naturally means reduced costs. But there's more to it. Many translation service providers offer discounts for matches found in the translation memory since less original translation work is required.

Continuous Learning

A well-maintained translation memory evolves with every new project. As translators encounter and solve new linguistic challenges, the translation memory captures and stores those solutions. Future translations benefit from this ever-growing repository of linguistic knowledge.

Reducing Human Error

Let's face it; even the most skilled translators can make mistakes, especially when handling large projects. By providing suggestions from previously translated segments, a translation memory reduces the chances of oversight or inconsistency.

Different Texts, Same Voice

e-Arabization is the partner you need to demolish language barriers and make your brand voice heard across borders.


We start our translation process with a project consultation to understand your business needs. Then, we’ll make sure to offer a consistent translation across different platforms by building the project’s translation memory. We proceed with translation refinement and finish with quality assurance to guarantee error-free, consistent results. 


Contact us today to learn more about our professional translation services.